We are currently seeking an NIH grant-funded postdoctoral scholar for academic year ‘24-’25. We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to work on a joint project with Drs. Eva Telzer and Kristen Lindquist in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at UNC Chapel Hill. We specifically are looking for PhD-level researchers with excellent study management and analytic skills who are interested in gaining training using a unique dataset that combines theories and methods in developmental neuroscience (longitudinal fMRI data), social affective neuroscience (emotional processing, social interactions), and health behaviors (substance use, health risk behaviors, internalizing and externalizing disorders). The ideal applicant will have experience analyzing fMRI data with a focus on multivariate or network approaches, a strong publication record, experience with social or developmental neuroscience methods, and an interest in adolescent interpersonal experiences, socio-emotional processing, or risk behaviors. The applicant must have a PhD in Psychology (Developmental, Clinical, or Social Psychology, for instance), Neuroscience, or related field by the time the position begins. Start date is negotiable but ideally would be in July-September, 2024.  The position also includes opportunities for professional development and unique interdisciplinary training that will be useful for a variety of academic career paths. 

Applicants should submit a cover letter and CV for initial review to Fatima Jangana at

Other postdoctoral opportunities. If you would like to explore writing a postdoctoral fellowship funded through the NIH National Service Research Award, the NSF postdoctoral fellowship, the UNC SPIRE Program, or the Carolina Postdoc Position for Faculty Diversity please reach out to Dr. Kristen Lindquist at casl [at]


Dr. Lindquist will not be considering graduate student applications during the ‘24-’25 cycle.

FOR undergraduate research assistants

Undergraduates may work in the lab as volunteers or, on a limited basis, as an independent study student (for course credit) or work study student (for those who qualify for Federal Work Study and/or Carolina Works).

We are no longer recruiting RAs for summer 2024. If you are interested in applying for a research position for Fall 2024, you may apply via this Google form by August 15, 2024. Please note that you will be asked to upload a statement describing your interest in the lab and a resume with your current GPA.